Friday, May 24, 2013

Hations react to the USA

Everything I Hati right has such angry vibe. They are so upset with the U.S. That they even are planning an uprising to try and claim back that they are strong to the U.S. They have had every single one of their rights taken away as well as their house hold items that have been taken by the army. Everyone here is going nuts. They still controlled by another country which is no what they want, they want to be a free independent nation. All the U.S. can hope for now is that there is no revolt or uprising from them after they talk things out. I am nervous for everyone and hope that nothing bad comes out of this new arrangement and that each side can see past their differences and work together.

Monday, May 20, 2013

We analyzed two pictures from the Sophia in class and discussed what was going on. It was about how the US made the panama canal and what they had to do it. we also read a speech about the same event. I really enjoyed our discussion today and t cleared up all my confusion about how the canal was madde

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I love Yellow Journalism. As bad as that sounds, I love when there are catchy titles the create scenarios that are often far from what the truth really is. Today and yesterday in class we made titles for around 8 different articles that were done be using yellow journalism. Today we went from section to section and chose the ones we liked best, some were very good while others cold have used a bit more exaggeration for my taste but over all I really liked this activity and would do it again for sure!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Week of MCAS torture. We really didn't do much in class other than hang out because Mr boyle was in charge of the MCAS rooms so we really had nothing schedualed except for the 16%.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

today in class we did a fish bowl activity. I was chosen to be in a group that represented the presidents actions of moving the Indians outside of the state with out government permeation. Although at first I didn't agree with this move, while thinking of ways to support my groups arguments, I was some what intrigued by all of the good things about him doing this. One good thing that it would prevent the tribe from becoming a part of the American government and culture, which was what they wanted, and if they would have stayed in the middle then eventually they would had or a huge war would have broke out between the Indians and the locals. Even though the president did go about his the wrong way it wasn't all bad and there were a few good points to why. Now i'm not quite sure what I believe but I do know that it could be see as both a good and bad move.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Today in class we read a poem and then compared it to another poem that was modeled after that poem. Then we were chosen to create our version of that poem by comparing the two and using similar word. The two poems were very different but I noticed that the common theme was a culture or ethnicity was writing about how they are treated and how they are different and are looked down on. These poems made me think that if all the people in one way or another felt mistreated than why would they treat others who they believe are less than them bad as well. I believe that if you know what its like to be treated badly that you would show more compassion towards others.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

in between the drops and subs

Movie, Movie, Movie! when Mr. Boyle announced we would be watching a movie in class while he was out i couldn't have been more excited. He told us we would be watching an old western and i was even more excited. learning about how cowboys really were in class prior to the movie i was excited to see how the two compare. Watching the movie i thought it was exciting, the cowboys had to make choices much like the real people, choices like where to go/ what route to take/what to bring/ who to bring? in the movie we got more a visual of how the cowboys were. I like to think that real life cowboys were similar to the ones in the movie. i loved the movie and felt it helped me picture the life of a cowboy better than any article or picture would.